Women of Zion
The mission statement of Zion Lutheran Church is Serving Christ through Serving Others. The Women of Zion help make this mission statement a reality.
Every female member of Zion Lutheran Church is a Women of Zion. Not a “club”, this group of women not only provides food for special circumstances ( funeral luncheons, meals for families after a hospitalization, etc.) , but also implements Zion’s Mission of the Month. These monthly missions include collecting school kits, health kits, Operation Christmas Child boxes, donations to Wernle Youth and Family Center, Oesterlen Services and Children’s Medical Center to name a few.
Another group of women meet weekly to make quilts which are sent to Lutheran World Relief. 227 quilts were sent to Lutheran World Relief in 2018 by Zion’s women.
A group of Zion women volunteer at The Clothesline, a used clothing shop in downtown Tipp City. The Clothesline is run by the women of several congregations in Tipp City. They not only sell donated clothing, but also give out clothing to persons in need and donate money to local non-profits.
The Women of Zion volunteer at Tipp City’s Summer Lunch Program, help with Vacation Bible School, sew pillowcases for Children’s Medical Center patients, sew walker bags for nursing homes, volunteer with Shoes 4 the Shoeless events and other projects that need helping hands.
Our annual Mum Festival Garage Sale provides our group with the funds for these outreach missions in addition to the donations given by the members of Zion.
We typically meet on the second Sunday evening of the month. From September through April, we meet at 5:00 and from May through August, at 7:00.