Zion Lutheran has had over thirty devoted pastors in its 190 plus years and has served several thousand fellow Lutherans. We are a family, an old and very large family. We continue today as a vibrant parish and continue serving the community by “Serving Christ through Serving Others”
Our first church was a simple structure constructed of logs cut from the building site and the nearby hardwood forest. The floor was planked and rough-hewn benches were installed. The first pastor came as a result of petitioning the New York Synod of the Reformed Church. His name was John Pantz. Pastor Pantz stayed with and nourished our church until 1839. His devoted leadership no doubt is majorly responsible for the survival of our church in its infancy.
On All Saints Day of November 1, 1964, a rededication service was held in a new modernized sanctuary completed with new pews, altar, choir loft, and a modern Allen electronic organ. The sanctuary of today remains much as it was on the day of rededication.
History compiled from Church records by W. C. Posey
History updated in 2018 by Marianne Barnhart
Photos of previous buildings were painted by W. C. Posey